Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just Another Day

Well this morning up at 6am sharp, alarm goes off my body felt like it had been hit by a train.  Aches an pain all over. My daughter did not wake up last night thank god, shes 2.5yrs old an yes for some strange reason she still wake up during the night. Why I ask myself every night?. Generally she just gets up for chat. The good thing is lately she has been calling for her dad, how glad am I.

Any way so I get up put the dinner on for tonight, it was already cleaned and seasoned in the fridge. then drag myself to the shower. Thank god for water its such a wake up call, just what I needed. In my head I thought how could some people leave home without showing also those poor people that live out on the streets, they must wake up feeling real bad every morning. O if only I could help them in some way. Once out of the shower I walked up to my eldest sons room an woke him for school. He leaves by 7.30am to get the tram into town. For a split second I was about to tell him to tidy his room before he left, but thought against it as it always involves to much dialect. Was not really in the mood for all of that convo.  I just instructed him to get ready. 

By now it was 6:45am I went down stairs to iron every bodies cloths for the day, put some breakfast on for my son. Watched a news, which informed me that there was even more chaos in the world than the day before. I mean can u believe the state of world and what its coming to.  When countries like Israel are in disagreement, you have to think to your self this it it. Such a holy land, so very unhappy. What chance does any one else have. Once my Son had left I began cleaning the house, in preparation for my daughters new day of destruction and adventure. She destroys every thing she comes into site with, she will take her time an pre-meditate exactly how she will do the job, all with a big smile. Today is not a nursery day, so she will be home with her dad. As the weather is bad there is very little work for labourers. Which suits me just fine, but on the other hand what state will the house be in when I get home.

By this time my daughter and hubby were up, noise began echoing from upstairs. Little madam doing her thing making request and informing her dad that she was not going to school today. How funny is she. Doesn't she look like butter wouldn't melt, well believe me it does. By now its 8:30am time to get her ready for the day in order to get out of the house for 9:30am to get to work for 10:00am.

Imagine it feels like the day is already half way through an its only 9:15am, my son did not call when he arrived at school this morning so that's a conversation for later. They just don't understand how much a mother worries. Also why the hell does he have a phone with some many methods of communicating on it Twitter, BB, Whatsapp, Email, Texts,an still i did not get a message. Like I said a convo for later. He asks every day if he could come home on his own from school. Every day my reply is the same no son not yet. "why he asks","well if you can not keep in contact with me how can I take the chance, are you tyring to send me mad with worry". Also the crime rate is so high during school leaving hours I just can not take the chance. Just the other day one the kids from his school got robbed for his phone on the way home. I believe I will pick him up until he leaves high school, just for my own sanity. As for my daughter she will never be going any where on her own. I give my son an inch because hes a boy. I let him go on his own in the morning for the simple reason that, most of the trouble makers are still asleep at that time, therefore its the safest time for hi, to travel. I'm sure this is a conversation we will continue to have for a long time to come. Unfortunately my answer will remain the same for a while yet.